Pure condensing unit

the residual heat and pressure steam are reduced in temperature and pressure through the multi-stage turbines of the unit to perform work. After finishing work, the exhausted steam enters the evaportive condenser with a pressure of 10kpa(a), and a temperature of 46℃, and the condensed water is recycled and reused.

Extraction condensing unit

While meeting the utilization of residual heat and pressure stem, reduce the temperature and pressure of part of the steam to meet the downstream process requirements, and the rest of the steam will continue to work to achieve a higher utilization rate. The steam enters the turbine in the front section of the unit to reduce temperature and pressure to do work. After the ...

Back pressure unit

At the same time as meeting the utilization of residual heat and pressure steam, reduce the temperature and pressure of the steam to meet the downstream process requirements. The residual heat and pressure steam enters the unit for temperature and pressure reduction and work. After completing the work, the steam reaches the pre-set pressure/temperature requirements and is used by downstrea...

extraction back unit

Satisfy the utilization of residual heat and pressure steam while reducing the temperature and pressure of the steam to multiple temperature/pressure requirements for use in multiple processes. The residual heat and pressure steam enters the front turbine of the unit for temperature and pressure reduction. After completing the work, the steam reaches the pre-set pressure/temperature requirement...

Supplementary steam unit

Simultaneously recycle and utilize two different parameters of residual heat and pressure steam. High parameter steam directly enters the first stage turbine of the unit for temperature and pressure reduction work, meeting the set temperature/pressure requirements (slightly lower than low parameter steam to ensure safety). Low parameter steam replenishes steam, and the two streams of steam merg...

Advantages of Marvel-tech's Steam Turbine Units